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ভাল লাগা শেয়ার করলাম ।

লিখেছেন: ' আল মাহমুদ' @ সোমবার, ফেব্রুয়ারি ২৮, ২০১১ (১২:১১ অপরাহ্ণ)

Islam VS Terrorism.
আমার প্রিয় ব্যাক্তিত্ব ।

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৭ টি মন্তব্য

  1. কি ভাই , অনেকদিন পর আসলেন মনে হয় ?

    খালিদ হোসেন সম্বন্ধে কিছু বলেন …

    আল মুরতাহিল

    খালেদ ইয়াসিন হলেন সমসাময়িক স্কলার ও আমার প্রিয় লেকচারারদের একজন। উইকি থেকে নেয়া ওনার বায়োগ্রাফি :
    Yasin was born in Harlem, New York and raised in Brooklyn as a Christian. Although not an orphan, he grew up in foster home environments from the age of 3, and until he was 15. He describes each foster home as having a different Christian denomination, so he covered a wide spectrum of Christianity by the age of 15.

    Yasin began his ministry as the “Ameer” or leader of Jammat Ita’hadul Iqwa on Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn N.Y. (often referred to as the McDonalds Mosque, due to its proximity to a McDonalds). He quickly rose to fame in the Brooklyn “Imam Network” of the late 1980s, and was featured in several magazines, one of which “Our Islam” on page 14, “Their View” article (pictures of Khalid in Ihram).[citation needed]

    Upon his return from Hajj, he was given money (alongside several prominent Muslim clerics, such as Siraj Wahhaj) by the Saudi Arabian government, through its’ religious ministries Darul Ifta and Rabitat. This money was for the establishment of a proper mosque and for Dawah.
    [edit] Views

    In July 2005, Yasin gave a speech at Bankstown Town Hall in Sydney, Australia and a televised interview. In these addresses, stated that “There’s no such thing as a Muslim having a non-Muslim friend, so a non-Muslim could be your associate but they can’t be a friend. They’re not your friend because they don’t understand your religious principles and they cannot because they don’t understand your faith.[6]
    [edit] The AIDS Virus

    Regarding the AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), virus, Yasin stated that “An AIDS virus, that is a classic disease that was created in Fort McKinley, United States. Fort McKinley, the AIDS virus,, 63,000 gallons. Missionaries from the World Health Organisation and Christian groups went into Africa and inoculated people for diphtheria, malaria, yellow fever and they put in the medicine the AIDS virus… I don’t say [that AIDS was created] by the US Government. I say there were at least five governments that acted in complicity.”[7] His sources include a google search for “The AIDS virus smoking gun of AIDS.”
    [edit] Sunday Nights With John Cleary

    On September 7, 2003 Yasin appeared on Sunday Nights With John Cleary[8] being interviewed. Cleary stated that:

    Right now we’re going to introduce you to someone who, well perhaps is giving a message that many people would be alarmed that is being put about. Sheik Khalid Yasin is visiting Australia at the moment speaking to Muslim groups in mosques around the country. And as this marks the beginning of the week of the anniversary of the dreadful events of September 11 and the destruction of the World Trade Center, this quite frank and some may find disturbing interview with Khalid Yasin is something that I think deserves to be heard. I spoke to Khalid Yasin on Friday. Let me give you an observation from a press release that the group who is sponsoring him brought out. This is what they say:” ‘Last month, a prominent Sydney Islamic Imam accused scholars from abroad of brainwashing young Muslims in Australia. Sheik Yasin’s response to such inferences was that “There is no established religious body in Australia that can cast aspersions on other Muslims. Let anybody come to my talks and they will see that there is absolutely nothing in them that incites others to do wrong.”’ Well on listening to this interview, you may decide otherwise. The controversial Imam spoke at Lakemba Mosque on Thursday evening to a packed audience, and he pointed out that in the past ten years there have been more than 5,000 people convert to Islam through his institute and other bodies, and suggests that an additional 1,476 have converted since the September 11 attacks. That’s in the press release accompanying the visit of Sheik Khalid Yasin, our guest on Sunday Night.”[9][10]
    — লেকচারগুলো বর্তমান যূগের জন্য অত্যান্ত উপযোগী এবং হৃদয়গ্রাহী।

    আল মুরতাহিল

    @আল মুরতাহিল, সিডনীতে দেয়া একটি লেকচার Changing World through Dawah এর একটি অডিও কালেকশন ছিল অনেক কস্ট করেও এ্যাড করতে পারছি না। ফাইলটি বড় বলে। কি করতে পারি পরামর্শ প্রয়োজন।

    আল মুরতাহিল

    @আল মুরতাহিল, যাদের ফেসবুক আছে ওনার পেইজটা লাইকে নিতে পারেন । http://www.facebook.com/pages/Khalid-Yasin/15114776583


    @আল মুরতাহিল,
    I don’t understand about facebook. Please help me.

  2. বল্গে আপনাকে খুব মিছ করছি। নিয়মিত লেখা আশা করি।

    আল মুরতাহিল

    @anamul haq, ইনশা আল্লাহ চেষ্টা করবো।